Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Making Choices

I flew past Uluru Rocks on the way to Singapore. It's very beautiful from the top. Somehow the captain managed to get permission to fly past this huge lump of rock surrounded by beautiful panorama. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to take some photos. Fortunately, I managed to watch 3 movies :)

Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End raises an interesting thought. What will it be like on the other side of life? Some people simply don't care. In Singapore, there's a drink labelled 'Anything' and 'Whatever', and from what I heard, you may get random soft drinks in the can, perfect for the indecisive moments. But when it comes to eternity, such ignorance has fatal implications. There's only heaven and hell, and you have to choose.

Fantastic 4: The Rise of Silver Surfer shows that there's yet another group of people who don't want to explore their choices. Just like Silver Surfer who served a master who destroyed planets and said that there was no other choice. But as Susan the invisible woman said, we have a choice to make.

Mr Bean is yet another interesting character. He goes through life clumsily, without much planning, driven by his emotions. He's a happy-go-lucky type. But there's no guarantee that he will be lucky all the time because time is running out. The real deal starts when Jesus comes, or we kick the bucket.

Thank God for calling me to His kingdom. If you want to know more, feel free to read the bible, go to church, or ask any christian.

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