Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lizard's Tail

Now, I'm sure you know that some lizards can shed their tail to escape from predators. Why is it that snakes can't? Or even dogs, and some other creatures. How did the lizards 'evolve' and develop this ability? Can we evolve other features such as wings or super sharp eyes if we want/need it? Or maybe there's a God who designed and fixed these features on His creatures after all.

The lizard's tail doesn't just detach when there's danger, it keeps moving as well! And the lizard will grow a new tail. Just imagine, how good it is if we can regrow our limbs after an accident. But God knows that human being doesn't need physical regrowth as much as a spiritual resurrection. Jesus already paid the punishment for our wrongdoings, so why don't you start a living relationship with God today? Secure your seat in heaven, and see you there!

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