Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Shoe Polish

The other day I was polishing my shoes with australian bee wax. Then the Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart that applying God's word is like shoe polish. Without shoe polish, the shoes will wear out faster. Shoe polish protects the shoes from the sun, dust, and water. Similarly, we are just filthy and evil without God's word (James 1:21).

But when we humbly accept God's word, we are saved. God's word not only cleans us from filth and protects us from evil, but also makes us shine. It's not enough to have the word of God though. James 1:22 says that we have to apply it, like a shoe polish.

If you have polished shoes before, you'll know that it's not enough to put the polish on the shoe. You have to rub it diligently until the shoe shines. Similarly, it's not enough to read the bible, but we benefit most when we do what it says. This is especially true for me, cos I tend to forget, and I need to revise and practice many times until I get it.

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