Saturday, August 18, 2007

End Times is NEAR!

I've just finished reading 2 books, Driven By Eternity (John Bevere), and Heaven Is So Real (Choo Thomas). These two books, actually, together with Purpose Driven Life (Rick Warren), share a similar message for the world, that heaven and hell are very real, Jesus is coming back sooner than expected, and we have to respond to God's call. If you don't believe in Jesus now, please don't forget at all costs, after the rapture, don't receive the mark of the devil - 666. Those who belong to the devil will go to hell.

Not all who go to church will go to heaven. Don't be a lukewarm christian, you can't serve both God and money. Work out your salvation in obedience to God's commandments, empty confessions can't get you past the gates of heaven.

Tithe faithfully - 10% of your gross salary. And give offering as well, bless those who can't bless you back.

Enjoy food on earth, there's a few types that you won't get in heaven. Fish and vegetables are healthy and brings joy to God.

This is the time to evangelise, you can't do it anymore when you get to heaven. Save one more soul for Jesus!

Beware of deception in the church. There will be many deceived christians in the last days, so please check with the bible. Keep your heart pure before God.

Finally, I want to affirm that Jesus loves you.

Thank God for the various authors who stood up for the truth, and wrote the books in obedience.

Praise be to the Lord forever. Amen and amen!

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