Saturday, April 21, 2007

Cooking Class

This morning we had our fourth Cooking Class, organised by the Pastoral Department of Hope Christian Church Melbourne. I had the privilege to wake up early to buy the ingredients from Preston Market. There were too many distractions there; lots of delicious breakfast (and hot chocolate), chinese groceries, and fresh produce at bargain prices. Not to mention the meat & seafood section. That's Major YUMMM!!! I can talk for hours on this...

Anyway, we started pretty much on time today, and our Master Chef, Ms Sorada Kaiyarach (M), prepared breakfast for us. Nothing special, just pork floss + chilli soy bean paste on toasted soy & linseed sandwich. Double portion. How's that for breakfast? :D Suddenly, I realised that she finished her preparations as well! Feeding 3 hungry guys and getting ready for the cooking club - that's what I call skill.
All of us had a chance to learn how to prepare the ingredients, such as the professional way of cutting spring onions. I'm so proud of TOTO, he's a young boy on a short holiday in Melbourne, and he took the opportunity to learn how to cook korean dish. I can see him growing into a challenger of Iron Chef in the future. Just look at the way he chopped the spring onions!

We had Bulgogi and Kimchi Soup on the menu. We got the butcher at the market to slice the meat into thin slices, and the kimchi was already refrigerated when we came. For safety reasons, kids were not allowed near the stove. I simply couldn't wait for M to finish cooking.. And it's so delicious, the meat was just nice, and the kimchi soup was... oh, so AWESOME! How can I describe it? Feels like heaven on earth! Well, not quite. The rice cake could be better. Make sure you buy a better brand.
There's no substitute for experiencing this first hand. Book your calendar, the next cooking class is in 2 months' time. We had a great time of fellowship and playing Uno, Uno Stacko and Go (Five in a row). Don't worry, everybody is welcome! Even if you are just after the food (like myself). Please RSVP to me so that we have enough food for everybody.

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