Friday, April 20, 2007


The Oceania Convention during Easter break was amazing! I got a prophecy from John Jacks scribed as follow:

You are the one.

I really feel the Holy Spirit want you to begin to apply yourself very diligently and very methodically to the Word of God. You have a very enquiring mind. You are a very alert person. You are an observer of what's going on, you are very keen to learn and understand. But God wants you to learn whatever it is that you're learning elsewhere, but really give yourself to scriptures and perhaps even take on some courses to equip yourself for your future. God wants you to have the ability to teach others the Word of God. And so you need to have the Word of God in order to be able to TEACH the Word of God and to instruct others. So use the alertness that you have and that keenness and that tenacity that's naturally there to pursue God's Word
and to have it hidden in your heart, so that when He need to use you there will be this reservoir there that He can draw from to bless other people.

Praise God! This confirms what God told me a few months back about going to bible college. Ps Mark advised me to apply the scriptures in whatever I am already doing, such as in my cell group discussions, counselling friends, learning to write my own sermons, and daily devotion.

I've just finished a book, A Fragile Stone by Michael Card. He's one of my favourite authors. I've also read Scribbling in Sand. He is a great thinker, and he really goes deep into the bible. He's my role model for someone who is able to expound the scriptures, narrate a compelling story out of it, and compose a song to amplify God's message. Anyway, this book is highly recommended, it tells about how God changed Simon Peter from a fisherman, breaking him into bits and defining his future as the ROCK, on which He will build His church. Through this book, I've learnt about God's call for me, in line with the prophecy, to be a shepherd of His flock. Right now God is breaking me as well. I'm learning to put my faith in Him despite of my desperate circumstances.

Currently, I'm reading Revolution in World Missions by K P Yohannan. This is a life story of the author, whose mum prayed for 3.5 years so that one of the boys would be a preacher. Now he supports native missionaries in Asia preaching the Gospel to the unreached regions. A touching story about how God used a little kampung boy to humble the wealthy nations and bring a call of repentance for their sin, pride and worldliness.

This week I came to one conclusion (again): Jesus is coming back very soon, definitely before my generation ends. Already, at least 3 pastors have gut feelings about the urgency of the end times. They have expressed the heartfelt goal of their churches to fulfill Mat 28:18-20 by 2015-2050. And I know that the time is coming, earlier than what most people think. I may be raptured as well, if I haven't died in the mission field. Now, who's with me to plunder Hell and populate Heaven?

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