Friday, May 25, 2007

Connect Journal: Day 24

I've decided to share my spiritual journey using Connect Journal. If you don't have a bible, please check the verses from

Matthew 6:19-24

Timeless Principles
v19-21 Invest (heart, attention, resources) first in the kingdom of God, not in things that perish
v22-23 be alert of your eyes. it can corrupt the whole body.
v24 there is only one way, because God is holy, and God hates sin.

Specific Words
Q1 Don't get distracted with hoarding the things of the world, but focus on God's kingdom. always remember, the thing that can withstand the test of time is souls, not money. we need money, health, family, relationships, etc, but they must not become a priority. let our heart be in the things of God, amen!
Q2 There is a difference between burden and vision. Burden is the things I want to do for God, and vision is what God wants me to do for Him. I may be mixed up between the two, but I believe that God will give me confirmations along the way.
Q3 We have to be careful not to fall into sin, because no matter how small the sin is, the consequence is the lake of fire. I constantly remind myself about fear of the Lord to keep myself in perspective.

I have to be more disciplined in how I spend my time, not neglecting bible study, QT, worship, etc despite of a busy schedule.
Be alert of the enemy schemes, so that I will not be disqualified.
Pray for repentance from my old ways.

Spiritual Experience
God is good, He is really testing my faith through my very tight financial situation. God brought people to confirm His words in a timely manner. Thank You Lord, for taking me so close to Your side :)

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