Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Boxing Day
Boxing is more often associated with kangaroos, because some people think that kangaroos are good at boxing. I'm not sure whether it's a myth, but I know that they are often wrapped in a box, marinated, and ready to cook.
Maybe boxing day should be called 'unboxing' day, cos I think it's also the day when kids are supposed to open their presents. But kids don't follow rules, so parents have to take their kids shopping on boxing day so that they can buy another boxed present to open. Actually, that's mums' excuse because mums love to go shopping and will say anything to go on a mission with dads' credit card.
Or maybe that's the day when baby Jesus started sleeping in his very own box. Probably modified from a wooden milk crate that Joseph found in his relative's house. This is only a speculation, so christian mums please don't put your babies in milk crates so that they can be more like Jesus.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I spent Christmas Eve with my extended family at Mersilau, on the way to Mount Kinabalu. It was a great time, a few hours of scenic drive with many stopovers to eat and check out some hotels. The hostel that we stayed in has changed a lot, now there's a golf course and the road is much better.
Apart from the usual family politics, I actually enjoyed the trip, expecially with my cousins. Just before I left, I received a notice that a parcel is waiting for me at the post office. I wonder who sent me my only christmas present this year :)
Just like every holiday, it's not complete without yummy feast. Yesterday we had BBQ. It was not exactly delicious, but the roasting made it memorable. The fat portions belong to God, and the rest belong to me. Not everything was fully cooked, but I enjoyed my fair share of corn and sweet potato :)
The best surprise comes as part of the christmas package. Somehow there's more friends who signed up with facebook, and I'm glad to hear from some long-lost friends :) Must be the holiday effect. Thanks to everyone who sent me encouraging messages too!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Shoe Polish
But when we humbly accept God's word, we are saved. God's word not only cleans us from filth and protects us from evil, but also makes us shine. It's not enough to have the word of God though. James 1:22 says that we have to apply it, like a shoe polish.
If you have polished shoes before, you'll know that it's not enough to put the polish on the shoe. You have to rub it diligently until the shoe shines. Similarly, it's not enough to read the bible, but we benefit most when we do what it says. This is especially true for me, cos I tend to forget, and I need to revise and practice many times until I get it.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
How much is enough?
How much do you think you'll need in the future? If Jesus doesn't come back in my generation, I may have another 70 years to live. Then again, I may not be living alone. I may have to feed 1,000 orphans, 5,000 drug addicts, or maybe just one or two dogs. And a wife, because wives tend to outlive their husbands by 8 years (I wonder why).
When you take up insurance, forget about investment-linked insurance, because after 50 years, you probably have nothing left. Go figure. If you plan to insure yourself, consider how much you (and your family) need in the future, and how much you can spend on the premium in the next few years. Take into account the inflation rate and rising costs of medical services. Then settle with what you can afford.
If you consider investments, try not to use it unless if necessary. Otherwise your investment will be like a runner running with an open parachute.
Compound interest is the most powerful tool in history. $100,000 becomes $1,000,000+ in 25 years at 10% interest. And it becomes $1,500,000+ 4 years later. Consider what will happen if you add $10,000 annually.
Enough is never enough. With so much temptations in the world, God had to remind us that Thou shalth not covet thy neighbours' 4 wives, Taylor guitars, BMWs, plasma TVs and diamond noserings (Exo 20:17). Doesn't mean that you can't have more than your neighbours though :P
It's not good to work for more than enough. Too much honey is not good for you (Pro 25:27). It's ok to earn supernormal salary, but don't forget your health, and other things that matter in life. So set a realistic goal for your life, and don't forget to enjoy it.
Be content with what you have in every situation (Phil 4:11-13). True contentment is irrelevant of wealth (Ecc5:10-11), but is found in relationship with God.
Monday, November 19, 2007
I was somewhat intrigued because some of them mentioned Jesus Christ as a solution. But it's not enough to know about the Way. Acts 24:22-27 told us about a person who knew the Way, but was not willing to confront some personal issues, or simply loved the way of the world. True repentance is difficult because we have to deal with pride, greed and lust.
When you are drowning in sin, you have to stop struggling, then God can save you.
13 When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. (James 1:13-15)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Little Mouse Story
so what's the moral of the story? guess what, different light perspectives give us different ways of reacting to the mouse. The intimidating shadow turns into a vulnerable little mouse. Romans 12:2 reasons that we must renew our minds, then we can test God's reality. We have to take the step of faith, then we can discover more about God.
Sometimes we look at issues like ice in a glass of water, thinking that it will melt soon. But it may turn out to be the tip of an iceberg, able to sink even the mightiest battleship! be careful about the little sins in your life. and be extra careful about what's going on around you.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Servanthood Leadership
When the church is growing, some leaders may feel inadequate because the people under their care may be more talented, more mature, etc. But a great leader is one who can take care of them, and does not need to be better than them. For example, the pastor may not be better in leading worship than the worship leader. A leader has to care, and to lead, to let them achieve their potential.
What if you are the really inadequate leader? hehehe.. I believe that leadership is appointed by God, and don't forget, Joshua was only a young boy, a servant, a son of Nun, and chosen by God. In Joshua 1:7 God said, be bold and courageous.. and as God knows our weaknesses, He topped it up with Acts 1:8, the promise of POWER when the Holy Spirit is with us. Not convinced? 2 Cor 12:9 assures us that Christ's power is made perfect in our weakness. So our weakness is actually expected by God to demonstrate His glory!
I'm not saying that all leaders may be slackers, but as long as we remain willing to be used by God, He will help us to overcome our lack. Have faith, comrades!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
All Things New
Look at the bright side: compared to God, everything is new :D but cheekiness aside, 2Cor5:17 says that once we are in Christ, then out with the old and in with the new. By God's grace, we are set free from our old ways.
Halfway through the concert, the message hits home. God has been trying to tell me that now I'm experiencing 'All Things New'. New career, new home, new lifestyle, new church,
There's no time to lose, we have to tell the world about Him! I can't wait to step on the new earth.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Lizard's Tail
The lizard's tail doesn't just detach when there's danger, it keeps moving as well! And the lizard will grow a new tail. Just imagine, how good it is if we can regrow our limbs after an accident. But God knows that human being doesn't need physical regrowth as much as a spiritual resurrection. Jesus already paid the punishment for our wrongdoings, so why don't you start a living relationship with God today? Secure your seat in heaven, and see you there!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Righteousness is Gold
Proverbs 28:6 is a reminder that character is more important than wealth. Verse 11 goes on to warn about being wise in your own eyes, because others will see through your folly.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Feasting in Malaysia
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Making Choices
Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End raises an interesting thought. What will it be like on the other side of life? Some people simply don't care. In Singapore, there's a drink labelled 'Anything' and 'Whatever', and from what I heard, you may get random soft drinks in the can, perfect for the indecisive moments. But when it comes to eternity, such ignorance has fatal implications. There's only heaven and hell, and you have to choose.
Fantastic 4: The Rise of Silver Surfer shows that there's yet another group of people who don't want to explore their choices. Just like Silver Surfer who served a master who destroyed planets and said that there was no other choice. But as Susan the invisible woman said, we have a choice to make.
Mr Bean is yet another interesting character. He goes through life clumsily, without much planning, driven by his emotions. He's a happy-go-lucky type. But there's no guarantee that he will be lucky all the time because time is running out. The real deal starts when Jesus comes, or we kick the bucket.
Thank God for calling me to His kingdom. If you want to know more, feel free to read the bible, go to church, or ask any christian.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Chocolate Crawlies
It gets me thinking as well, about how easy it is for sin and temptations to crawl into our lives. I have to constantly guard my mind by regularly reading the bible and spending time in prayer. Life's like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get!
Friday, August 31, 2007
But God gave me a word from Luke 2:51 to go, and He assured me with Deu31:8. My heart is anchored where I am, but my will is to obey God. I can only rely on His grace at the moment.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Relationship Equation
How do you measure up in your relationships with others? Do you think that you need to revisit some relationships and sow some vitamin C? Is there any relationships where you can't increase your value to others no matter how much you contribute? Have you ignored some blessings from others?
If Vab is very high, but Vba is at the slightest negative, guess what - R is negative!
Sounds like genius? well, not quite. If Vab and Vba are both negative, R becomes positive! Muahahaha.. thank God I'm not a psychologist.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Sony Digital Camera Lineup
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Guitar Workshops
For every musician, there's 3 gauges that makes up their skill: talent, knowledge, and practice. The best musicians have all 3 gauges filled up and overflowing.
I learnt that every musician has to develop his/her own groove. Doug is very expressive. I could see his tears while he soaks himself in music! I'm very tempted to describe his expressions, but I'm afraid I might end up being impolite.
He mentioned about the musician's skills trajectory. Basically, he thinks that most people improve their skills over time. But it's not easy to improve, and some people don't know how to improve. So he shares a few tips.
Drummers have a different mindset, and we have to respect them for it. Playing guitar like a drummer means that we have to take note of the rythms in a beat, including the bass, hi hat, and snare. If it doesn't make sense to you, wait till I learn the technique.
His Ibanez pickup is setup uniquely to imitate sounds from les paul, strat, or tele. Don't know how this works because I play acoustic.
So this evening I attended another guitar workshop by Michael Fix. Michael used to learn from Alan Philip and Tommy Emmanuel. He played mostly classical when he was young, and he likes to personalise some classical and electric pieces with his custom Maton acoustic guitar.
His Maton guitar is made of Queensland Maple back and sides, not the Blackwood. Maple is softer, but if he needs more bass, he would simply turn it up on the pickup. He was more concerned about controlling feedback. He used a feedback buster, which is essentially a rubber bathtub plug for the guitar soundhole. And he shaved a bit off the neck of the guitar, because his fingers are short (that's what he said). Michael doesn't keep long fingernails like other fingerstyle guitar players, and it took him a while to adjust. I like this example, because I personally don't like long fingernails like Doyle Dykes.
Michael also mentioned that it's important to learn how to play the bass and treble at the same time, as soloist. You just have to break down the song into bars, and work at microscopic/lego bars, play it really slow until you get it. This will help you to build confidence.
Playing scales is good, to impress other guitarists. But being able to play music is more important. Scale is boring, but it helps to know how they work.
In the studio, Michael uses a pen mic to record the guitar. It is not directly pointed into the soundhole, but slightly further at around the 12th fret. He sometimes use another one projected towards the body from another angle. If he uses a right angle mic, he would point it directly at the soundhole. Another position that he would consider is near his ear when he bends down to listen to what he's playing. He suggested that all the mics should be equidistant from the guitar to avoid phasing.
He also abused his guitar, albeit not as much as Tommmy. Beating the guitar body at different places is pretty interesting, it creates some percussion effects. That saves some money on stompboxes. He also demonstrated how to play with echo based on the percussions. His Yamaha Magicstomp worked like a charm, showing off some effects like reverbs and chorus.
I like it when he walked down the bass, and when he reached the low E, he went further by unwinding the E string.
Last but not least, he showed us special capos, which only covers 3-5 strings. He used it to achieve DADGAD tuning, and other combinations without messing around with the tuners.
And of course, I like the AER 60 amp. Wouldn't mind that for a birthday gift.
Now, that's what I call inspiration! Thanks to Allan's music for these workshops. I hope I've captured all the essentials, but pardon me if there's some mistakes.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Amazing Grace
One of the quotes in the movie goes something like you may be well known to others, but not to yourself. It's so true for me, many people may know me, but I still don't know myself well enough. Thank God for Psalms 139, at least I know someone who knows me best!
You wretch! Well, so am I, according to the song. And it's so true, even in church. I've noticed that in a lot of church meetings, people are still unpolished in their communication skills. It creates a lot of unnecessary tensions. I can only desire for improvements, but as for now, grace is more potent to heal the soul.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Push that rock!
Sometimes we try so hard, and try to get things done quickly. But no matter how hard we try, there's always something unfinished. And we start to worry. But God wants us to rely on Him instead! Just do your best, and let God handle the rest.
You may be wondering, what a silly analogy! Nothing happens to the rock, so it's useless. It's true, but along the way, the boy gained some muscles and a little bit of wisdom :)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
End Times is NEAR!
Not all who go to church will go to heaven. Don't be a lukewarm christian, you can't serve both God and money. Work out your salvation in obedience to God's commandments, empty confessions can't get you past the gates of heaven.
Tithe faithfully - 10% of your gross salary. And give offering as well, bless those who can't bless you back.
Enjoy food on earth, there's a few types that you won't get in heaven. Fish and vegetables are healthy and brings joy to God.
This is the time to evangelise, you can't do it anymore when you get to heaven. Save one more soul for Jesus!
Beware of deception in the church. There will be many deceived christians in the last days, so please check with the bible. Keep your heart pure before God.
Finally, I want to affirm that Jesus loves you.
Thank God for the various authors who stood up for the truth, and wrote the books in obedience.
Praise be to the Lord forever. Amen and amen!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Combined Centres Worship Team Meeting
Last night we had a combined Worship Team meeting, and we had a good time of worship, impartation, and sharing. I was simply amazed by the anointing on the worship team. Corinna was good at using her voice, and I enjoyed Sam's groove on the acoustic guitar. Jessica shared on the meaning of surrendering our lives as worship, just as Abraham obeyed God by surrendering Isaac.
We shared our favourite websites:
I haven't had a good look at them yet, will do it soon.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
What's good in Melbourne?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Windows Blues
I called Microsoft, they said that they can send a CD for $41+. I called Acer, they said that I should have used their recovery program (which I never noticed), and I need to get the hard disk re-imaged for $66. Come on, I don't want to pay for the software that I already paid for!
There's a partition called PQSERVICE that contained a backup for Windows, and I searched some forums on the internet. I was lucky because I didn't delete it while partitioning my hard disk. I downloaded PTEDIT32.exe to unhide the PQSERVICE partition and set it to active, then reboot. Voila! I could reinstall Windows again, and this time it's fully legitimate!
Now my Windows is restored, and my computer is much faster. Back to work!
Friday, July 13, 2007
I Love Maton!
Yes, I solemnly profess my love for Maton guitars. I already own the EM325C, who has been my faithful favourite, and so far she has won against my other guitars (now given away to friends). I am obsessed! I mean, do you know of anyone else who changed guitar strings almost every 3 months? Has all the gadgets to take care of the guitar? I often give her some facial treatment as well, ranging from cleaning the fretboard, polishing the body, lubricating the strings, etc. And I mourn over little dings and scratches on it too! Well, there's plenty of them, because this guitar has been well used in ministry. Sometimes I wonder whether I take more time caring for her than playing on her. In fact, I think my skills are not good at all. Some people learn guitar to attract chicks. But I don't have to play anything, my guitar is already a chick magnet!
Anyway, the point is, I get all-nostalgic after watching Michael Fix play. I guess, his music just captured my attention - whether it's jealousy or envy, only time will tell.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Passenger's Etiquette
If you care about safety, trust your driver. Remain calm even if he/she makes some mistakes or drive badly. You can point it out once, but please stop there.
Let's face the fact, the only person who will bring you safety is the driver. Usually drivers don't intend to get into an accident. If you give him a bad mood or anxiety, perhaps by nagging at him, he may lose concentration. He may miss a turn, or end up in an accident.
Instead, you can ignore or reassure him that it's ok, get him to relax and be more focused. You can suggest that it's ok if he wants to take a rest. Or you can offer to drive if he's tired. But do so carefully, don't hurt his ego.
If your friend is sending a few friends off, and the person on the passenger seat leaves, someone who is sitting at the back should move to the front seat to accompany the driver. He's not a chauffer or taxi driver!
Remember to respect your driver. He may be focusing on the road, but he's got ears. In the first place, he owns the car, and you are not paying him anything.
When you leave, don't forget to express your gratitude.
Don't take advantage of those who has cars, they may be generous, but please don't abuse this privilege.
Off topic: if you borrow your friend's car, please return it with a full tank, perhaps washed as well.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Between You and Me
Since when did I become so artistic? Ah well, anyway... this video is a compilation of 10-30 photographs per second, and it took a lot of work to get it done. They used a Canon 20D to capture the shots, and you have to admit, the composition is very appealing. If you are immature please refrain from watching. Anyone wanna use this technique for your next project in uni or church?
That reminds me. Skyline SIB in Sabah has created a bunch of great videos, such as Amazed, a story about a prodigal son, which uses animated photo stills as well. Check out Loaf Story while you're there, and you'll be blessed!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Tram Camera In Action!
IMHO this is just another exercise to increase revenue. If the council wants to improve traffic, the only solution is to get rid of trams, and use buses and bus lanes instead, similar to Brisbane. Trams are inefficient because they can't overtake other trams, cause unnecessary lane-hogs for cars, and require irritating hook turns. I'm sure Melbournians can list more reasons to hate trams and opt for buses instead.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Blessing on Sunday
The four blessed looks: Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God. Look around and serve God. Look within and find God!
I asked God, 'How do I get the best out of life?' God
said, 'Face your past without regrets. Handle your present with confidence And prepare for the future without fear!'
Without God, our week is: Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday,
Thirstday,Fightday, Shatterday and Sinday. So, allow Him to be with you every day!"
Life is short, so Forgive quickly. Believe slowly. Love
truly. Laugh uncontrollably.
Thanks bro, you've made my day! I hope you'll discover God more personally. Looking forward to meet up with you again!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Paying Tuition Fees? Save Now!
I want to help you save money by recommending a service from OZForex, they will help you to convert your money into Australian dollars (or other currencies) with a better rate than the banks. They don't charge any transaction fees, and they are fast because they have overseas accounts as well. In short, I am a very satisfied customer! You may be able to purchase an ipod from the savings of one transaction alone.
If you need assistance or more information, feel free to contact me. This service is also useful for currency traders and the like. And of course, there's a few other currency converters out there, and you are encouraged to do your own research.
Day 58 Honour your parents!
I have a friend who hates christians because they are hypocrites. They tithe to God, but don't honour their parents. Mat 15:1-20 highlights this very clearly. It's not enough to say the sinner's prayer, we have to obey the whole bible!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Blue Ocean Strategy
I think this book is just a compilation of ideas supported by success stories. It's essentially saying, don't get caught up in competition - focus on value creation. The ideas are presented in a nice way, with pretty illustrations, but insufficient credibility.
The blue oceans that they refer to are basically companies who are doing well in the past. Definitely, everybody wants to do better. That's why this book is a success. But it doesn't offer any intrinsic value apart from a catchy name.
Overall, I only recommend this book as an unnecessary introduction to business, but please question what you read carefully, because there's no guarantee of success even if you follow the principles of the book.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Computer Issue
Monday, June 25, 2007
Life and Death
This morning my ex housemate passed away. His name is Richard Braun. He was an inventor, a successful guy in his own rights, and he was full of life stories. He didn't invent the shaver though. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, he was someone who grieved the Holy Spirit.
The past few weeks have been a rough time for me, and I don't see the situation getting any better. My apologies if I haven't been available, but I don't have the appetite for idle talk on msn.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Day 40 A Contextualised Church
Jesus was just a carpenter, and no one listens to a carpenter unless if your furniture is broken. I believe that the church needs to be contextualised. We need a business fellowship, for people who are in managerial level, and business owners. We need to reach out to the professionals. We need fellowship groups in the city.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Day 39 Who am I
I just find that this song really speaks volumes about God's love for me. Who am I, by Casting Crowns.
Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I?
That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wandering heart.
Not because of who I am,
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who you are.
I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling,
And you've told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.
Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again.
Who am I?
That the voice that calmed the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.
Bridge&Chorus 2x
I am yours.
Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cause I am yours.
I am yours.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Day 38 Prophet's Reward
Mat 10:32-42
It just struck me today that I often forgot to reward people who help me. Especially those who have contributed a lot into my life. Sometimes a simple thank you will make their day.
And often, I feel too uncomfortable to lend a helping hand or extend my hospitality, even to my close friends. But the bible encourages me to actively bless others, and surely I will not lose my reward :)
Don't forget to bless your leaders on Shepherd's Day this Sunday.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Day 37 Mat 10:21-31
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Day 35 Breakout Principle!
1. Be aware of your problem. In a nutshell, Jesus was trying to gather 12 disciples, and get them to go out and share the gospel. The problem is, Jesus didn't have eternity to do it. And not all the disciples are very smart or eloquent people. When you have a vacant position, it has to be filled urgently, and you need to guide them until they can work efficiently.
2. Be creative. How can you do it better? Jesus headhunted his disciples. Obviously there wasn't any HR company who knew how to screen through disciples for him. It's like, they may end up with 12 pharisees or even slaves, and we will never see the cute fish symbol at the back of christian cars. Everyone has different (+ & -) experiences, but they can still grow in ministry or in your company.
3. Be productive.
3.1 Provide adequate access. Jesus gave them power. If you hire a janitor, you have to give him the keys and equipments. Well, of course, apply some wisdom here. If you give someone too much power, he will take advantage of you. Satan did that. And Judas betrayed Jesus as well. But it must not stop us from trusting people, giving them probation, and seeing them grow to their full potential. Expect them to leave your company to grow in their career. Give them a vision.
3.2 Provide clear and realistic instructions. One of the biggest cause of project failure is scope creep, where the project loses focus on the primary objective and tries to incorporate anything that looks good. In 15 mins, you can vacuum the living room and possibly the kitchen, but not the whole house. And for now, Jesus only asked them to preach to the Jews.
4. Be preemptive. Jesus gave them warnings, counselled them of their sufferings and encouraged them. The next time you see your staff, think about when was the last time you told him that you appreciate him for working with you.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Day 34
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Day 33: Pardon the Interruption
Matthew 9:18 - 26
What's the worst interruption ever in your life? Phone call by marketing companies? Your boss giving you extra work? Friend asking about assignment? Someone died? A beggar asking you for money? Well, you vote.
My most frequent interruptions are: Requests (to fix computer, car, wardrobe, DVD player, toothbrush... just kidding), social purposes (MSN, phone calls), and other life issues (bills, house agent, etc).
Some interruptions are enjoyable, it makes me feel important to the right people, but sometimes I have to think twice. Especially if I'm doing something else.
If I need help, sometimes I get things done faster if I approach busy people. Some busy people learnt to organise their time even better to cope with the increasing demands. They even learnt how to expect or allow time for interruptions.
So, do you think it's good to be interruptible? What do you do when you are very tired, but your friend needs some company?
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Connect Day 29
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A carrot on tray keeps the rabbit coming!
Mat 8:1-13 The leper caught Jesus' attention with his humility, and the centurion marvelled Jesus with his faith.
If you want to change a nation very quickly, you have to use something that is dominant in that culture.
And if you want to reach a man's heart, start with the tummy.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Connect Day 28
There are many ways to get famous, other than shooting the president. And you can get paid for it too. For example, the STA Travel grant, who gave money or air ticket to people who want to do something good for the world, and willing to share their experiences.
To make fame more rewarding, we have to focus on the cause. Dying for something doesn't justify the cause well enough. For example, recently a depressed mother hung her 3 children and herself, maybe she thought that she would end the suffering for the whole family, and she did it out of love (or despair). But what she did put an end to her children's hopes and future as well.
Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for our sins. Now, this is different, because He provided a solution to an eternal problem. In fact, He is the ONLY solution. Not only did he become famous, he also became infamous! So much for rising up again on the third day. To some people, Mother Teresa has got more glory than Jesus. If the gospel is false, then it's just like any other religion that we know, it's good to know but it's best not to get too fanatical. But if the gospel is true, then it's extremely important, because Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and Life. NO ONE comes to the Father but through ME"!
Too often we look at christians' lifestyle and we conclude that the gospel must be false, because there's no evidence of the truth of the gospel. Perhaps the only difference is that they waste their sundays in church. And we forgot that Jesus also knew about it (Mat 7:13-28) and called us to walk in the narrow path that leads to life. Do you know of anyone who is walking that narrow path? Don't you want to be one as well?
Monday, May 28, 2007
Connect Day 27
Timeless Principles
We learn here about the principles of give and take. If we want/need something, ask. If someone wants/needs, give.
Jesus promised us that God will answer our prayers. Nothing is too difficult for God (Jer 32:17). I believe there is an assumption, that what we ask for is good for us (James1:17).
v12 highlights the value of giving. In Acts 20:35, Paul showed that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
I've been asking God to reveal His plans for my life. I know that everything that happens are in God's control. He has a great plan for me, and He will provide my needs because I know Him.
Recently I've been asking God about the 40 Days of Purpose campaign that will start in about 3 months. I'm believing for a group that will grow to 12 people by the end of the campaign. There's a lot of uncertainties, but I know that God will lead the way.
There are other issues that I ask God as well. I know that God really answers, for example, I asked God to help me get honours in my engineering degree, and God did exactly that.
Many times I can identify myself with Elijah in 1 Kings 19. I have excelled (getting distinction) in online tests that measured how suicidal or depressed I was supposed to be, and at that time I was very happy to know that there was still something that I could excel in. Yet during these times, I have no one else to turn to but God. It's really comforting to know that God is in control (psalms 23, 139), and I learn to trust God in even more difficult situations (Pro3:5-6).
I need to persevere in prayer. I believe that God's timing is perfect (Rom12:1-2). At the moment I'm literally counting days to see God moving in my situations.
Spiritual Experience
Last month I went shopping at Coles with my sister and brother in law. In a moment of pure serendipity, we discovered a coupon that said that we could get 4x free soy milk and 4x free ice creams per household. The only catch is that I have to pay for them first, then submit an entry to redeem the money (which is a little bit more than what I paid for). I took up the challenge. After waiting for a few weeks, I finally got the refund in the mail. The moral of the story is: if I can trust this coupon from a company that I've never visited before, I can trust my God whom I know has been faithful to me, AMEN :D
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Connect Day 26
Timeless Principles
v1-2 Don't judge others, consider others better than yourself. Note that judging is different from correcting.
v3-5 We can easily look at others' mistakes, but don't neglect your own imperfections.
v6 Be wise with your words. Speak only at a level where you can communicate effectively.
Jesus recommends that we deal with the issues in our own lives first because we will be more effective in ministering if we have a good testimony. If we are still struggling in the same sin, the counsel we give may be viewed as hypocritical, even though the message we give is the absolute truth. rom 14:13 exhorts us not to stumble others by living a righteous live.
I enjoy serving in our church ministries because we always commend and honour one another. Even when I know that I have made mistakes, they are still generous with their encouragements. In turn, I learn to see people for who they are, not only what they do.
I always remind myself of the times when I was a new believer, still struggling in a lot of issues. Or the times when I just moved to another city. Don't despise humble beginnings Zec4:10, Job 8:7, but believe that God will make us increase to be the head Deu 28:13.
There's a lot of people in our church, so we don't meet up very often. Sometimes I see the person every week, but don't really talk to them. And there are others that I talk to frequently. Sometimes that leads to favouritism, which is not good. I should be more careful not to show favouritism.
James 2 also warns against partiality in obeying the bible. All sins are serious in God's eyes. I acknowledge that I am a sinner, and I have to be alert against all schemes of the devil.
v6 Doesn't mean that you don't preach to others, but don't waste time on those who continually mock the gospel. Yet don't close the door on them.
I need to pray for more grace so that I can see others with more compassion.
What are the planks in my own eyes? I need to control my speech, be more sensitive to other people's feelings.
Spiritual Experience
Today we learn from Habakkuk about how he was transformed from someone who complained to God into someone who was in awe of God's sovereignty. I'm a notorious complainer as well, especially in the areas that I know well. But I need to be quick to listen instead (James 1:19). Even while listening, I have a tendency to lash out my thoughts, but sometimes people just want my ears.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Connect Journal: Day 25
Timeless Principles
v25 The word worry comes from the word 'merizo', which means 'to divide into parts'. The word suggests that there is a distraction that preoccupies the mind, and causes anxiety, stress, and pressure. Jesus is saying that it is sinful to let our mind be distracted by the things that we want, or even need, because God looks after our best interests (Rom8:28).
v33 Seek FIRST God's kingdom, and everything WILL be added unto you. Again, the priority is God. Focus on God. Be refined. God knows our needs, He promised that He will provide for you.
In 1943, Abraham Maslow came up with the Hierarchy of Needs which shows that in our sinful nature, we tend to seek our own needs first before we can come to God. While there are basic flaws in the theory, there's a major element of truth in what he said. Jesus knew that too, and He knew better (Luke 4:4). We tend to worry about the physical, and neglect the spiritual. But Jesus is saying that we must not neglect the spiritual, and God will take care of the physical instead. Now, that's radical. But God proved to us in Deu 8:2-3 that He does indeed take care of us.
Now, how can we tell whether we are putting God's kingdom first? Look at your bank statement, personal budget, diary, journal, or any other personal records, and see the proportion that you spend on God, in terms of time, money, and other resources. Do we give tithes to God? How much quality time do we spend with God daily? Are you spending any resources that grieves God?
This passage is an encouragement for me because I know that God is taking care of me even as I trust Him for daily needs. He has been true and faithful to His words.
Sometimes God stretches our faith over and beyond what we have experienced before, and we start to question God. But true faith (Heb11:1) like that of a child prevails in these circumstances, with the assurance that God has plans to prosper us, not to harm us, but to give us a hope and future (Jer 29:11).
In the past few weeks, I have been asking God for a lot of basic needs, and getting very anxious about it. But God knows my struggles, and He constantly reminds me that He has already given the provisions. And true enough, day by day I see that God continues to provide. I always have enough. Then I question myself again, since God is taking such good care of me, how should I spend my time? Instead of worrying and trying to fix problems my own way, I can spend this time on other things that will please God! How great is our God!
Spiritual Experience
Today, at worship practice, Jessica shared about God's consuming fire, a fire that refines us and the same fire that brings judgment on sins.
The bible talks about baptism of Holy Spirit, then Baptism of Fire. After we get baptised in HS, then what? This fire is meant to refine our character. We should allow God to have His way in us. When the fire burns, it's hot and painful. But as a result, we will qualify as a radiant bride for God.
Just some quick verses before I sleep:
Daniel 7:9, talking about flaming throne
Isaiah 33:14, consuming fire, judgment, holiness
2 king 6:17 God's protection
Deu 4:24 God's jealousy
Isa 50:10-11 fire that guides men
God desires holiness because He is holy. Do we reflect God? How can the church lead, or have revival, if we are not refined? Is there anything in your life that grieves God?
God reminded me of the roast pork that I ate for dinner last night. It was the fat portion. Then God reminded me that all the fat portion belongs to God (Lev 3:16-17). So, don't eat the fat, it's not good for you anyway. I thought that was it. Pretty tough word. But not only that, God also convicted me that I must give the best portions in my life to God. Now, that's very hard! But I know that's the best for me :)
Last night I received a prophecy from a dear brother:
I would like to tell you that God is in the process of
healing you. and after the healing, you will experience the mighty works of the Lord. But in no distance time the healing will be completed and you will see the wonders of the Lord
Amen! Glory to God!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Connect Journal: Day 24
Matthew 6:19-24
Timeless Principles
v19-21 Invest (heart, attention, resources) first in the kingdom of God, not in things that perish
v22-23 be alert of your eyes. it can corrupt the whole body.
v24 there is only one way, because God is holy, and God hates sin.
Specific Words
Q1 Don't get distracted with hoarding the things of the world, but focus on God's kingdom. always remember, the thing that can withstand the test of time is souls, not money. we need money, health, family, relationships, etc, but they must not become a priority. let our heart be in the things of God, amen!
Q2 There is a difference between burden and vision. Burden is the things I want to do for God, and vision is what God wants me to do for Him. I may be mixed up between the two, but I believe that God will give me confirmations along the way.
Q3 We have to be careful not to fall into sin, because no matter how small the sin is, the consequence is the lake of fire. I constantly remind myself about fear of the Lord to keep myself in perspective.
I have to be more disciplined in how I spend my time, not neglecting bible study, QT, worship, etc despite of a busy schedule.
Be alert of the enemy schemes, so that I will not be disqualified.
Pray for repentance from my old ways.
Spiritual Experience
God is good, He is really testing my faith through my very tight financial situation. God brought people to confirm His words in a timely manner. Thank You Lord, for taking me so close to Your side :)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I'm a MAN!
YaHoO!!! I just took a Brain Wiring Test, and my basic score was 30 from a range generally between 0 and 300, which means that.... (drum rolls)...
High Masculine Brain. You demonstrate strong logical, analytical and verbal skills. You will tend to be disciplined and well-organised. You are probably very good at projecting costs and planning outcomes, being only slightly influenced by emotional considerations.
I knew it anyway. No editing there, just got it on my first try! But I feel that for some questions, the options should be more flexible. So, for those who don't score favourably, don't worry - the results are not 100% accurate. And girls, this is one (lame) excuse if you find that I'm not that accommodating. Please understand!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
How Great Is Our God
We played (one of) my favourite song: How Great Is Our God (Key:G).
Verse 1
The splendour of a King, clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice
He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice
How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God
Verse 2
Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end
The Godhead Three in One
Father Spirit Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb
Name above all names
Worthy of all praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God
Today we have a guest speaker teaching us how to play this song. Please welcome Chris Tomlin, songwriter of How Great is Our God! (Key:C)
I love this song, and after dinner, I had the privilege to teach this song to my korean friend. He love the song as well, but he did not understand the words.
Lots of positive feedback tonight. Some friends said that I improved. Some said they liked my guitar. Actually, I haven't played guitar for a month, and I couldn't hear the speakers, so I don't know how I improved :P
Friday, May 18, 2007
Guitar Legends on Youtube
During these few days, I've been trying to absorb all my experiences in Thailand, and seeking God for life directions. There's a bazillion opportunities for me, yet there's so little time. Jesus is coming back soon!
In the midst of my daily struggle, I've been feasting on what I couldn't access in Thailand.
This is a video of Doyle Dykes playing White Rose for Heidi. I met Doyle Dykes in 2003, at Guitar Garage in Brisbane. It was a free concert. I was an amateur (still am), he showed me what playing guitar is all about, he signed my guitar, and since then he became my personal hero. He is truly blessed in music, a legendary country fingerstyle virtuoso. I think he tickles his guitar more than his wife. Now I'll share a secret that I've kept for many years: If anyone wants to give me a truly appreciated birthday gift, it would be the orange Desert Rose (DDSM), his signature guitar.
On a less personal note, but a legend nevertheless, Tommy Emmanuel is an Australian icon. Just like Doyle Dykes, he has played with Chet Atkins, and in fact, Chet honoured the rare title of "Certified Guitar Player" on TE. For those in Thailand, it's worth crossing the border just to watch this video of TE playing While My Guitar Gently Weeps with Jake Shimabukuro. I found it on Philip Chee's blog. Now, the only common denominator between TE and me is that we both play on Maton.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Take My Breath Away!
I've had my name written on sticker as a first time visitor in other churches, but they also gave me a notebook that has the pastor's family portrait on the cover, presented in a paper bag with a welcome message from the pastor. Plus, they gave me a little flower candle in plastic wrap, tied up with paper flower, and a welcome message from the church: Hope of Bangkok Church, Sukhumvit. And the winner: a mini curry puff in airtight plastic wrap. I'm sure you've never had it before. What a way to say that they care about me.
After the preaching was over, I immediately turned my head to the right, and I was surprised to see a table already prepared with food on it, and chairs neatly arranged around it. Apparently some groups would arrange to have lunch in the hall. Someone bought all sorts of local food in bulk and distributed to the groups.
I joined their bible study, with a group who are sold out for World Mission. I happened to sit beside a pastor who will be studying at a bible college in Melbourne, starting in July. Now, that's too much of a coincidence. I've been contemplating whether to go to that bible college, because it's a bit far, and I don't know which course to take. But if someone from Bangkok WANTS to go there, then what's stopping someone from Melbourne?
I ended up joining a second service, designed to train up those who will be involved in world mission, so that they can practice running a service in foreign language. It was a humbling experience, seeing how ordinary people put in their best to serve God.
And of course, God loves to reward His children with great food on Sunday evening. Especially today =D I went to Sam Yan, a restaurant on a market near Chulalongkorn University. Oh boy, it's the climax for my Thai food feasting! No more Tom Yum Goong, but all the 5 stars dishes! If you don't mind some baby roaches crawling on the table occasionally, then I strongly recommend this place!
After dinner, I went to Suan Lum Night Bazaar. Rumours has it that you can't go there in the future cos someone will convert it into condominiums. I like this market, it's much cleaner than Chatuchak market. There's a restaurant offering a puppet show. The market is divided into several building blocks. It looks like a cross between shopping centre and flea market.
I suppose that concludes my adventure in Thailand. I would like to thank everyone in Thailand for making this trip such a memorable and fruitful experience. I love you guys so much that if I don't leave tomorrow, I might consider spending the rest of my life here.
Tomorrow forecast: I will fly to Singapore at 7.45am. I hope I don't miss the flight. I only have 12 hours to spend in Singapore, and there's a lot of things to do!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Weekend Market
What I found interesting:
Puppies of exotic breeds for 1400 baht each. A little boy around 4 years old playing traditional musical instrument. Another boy playing musical instrument like bass guitar, but only 3 strings. A teenager playing rock music through a speaker, and pretending to play an electric guitar made of styrofoam. A young girl dancing like Britney Spears. A guy juggling soccer ball in all sorts of positions (raising funds to go to Europe for a competition). Hello kitty ice cream stall (the ice cream girls were wearing hello kitty ears). A guy dressed up as a high school girl, thick white make up, and singing weird songs. Lots of offensive/aggresive T-shirts. Plants and pots, and matching decorations. Beautiful celebrity selling clothes and collecting donations for AIDS victims (the patrons were more interested in taking her pictures than buying from her). Lots of jewelleries, antiques, local delicacies, clothes, home decor, books, toys, mobile phone pouch and accesories, car accesories, Thai ornaments, silk clothes, and many more that I can't explain with words or simply/intentionally forgot (I'm exhausting my vocabulary now).
I've tried feasting at Fuji Restaurant and Zen, so tonight I concluded my Japanese feastathon with buffet at Kuroda. We had countless rounds of fresh salmon sashimi, and I know that many of you are jealous already by now, so I'll just finish by saying that my friends couldn't finish their desserts.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Beach Thing
I'm even more touched by the story behind the scene. 17 years ago, there was a boy and a girl who dated in this romantic place. Then they got married. Fast forward to present day. They have 2 daughters, and they never brought them to this place. But Nui and his wife Su happened to sit beside me during Thai Camp, and they just wanted to bless me because they just wanted to. So they chose this place, which they already forgot for a long time. They were not even sure if the place still existed. All they remembered was that seafood restaurant on the beach that would bless me.
Of course, today the place has changed a lot. From the traffic jam caused by the industrial growth on the way there, to the site itself. The original building was demolished, maybe by a mini tsunami. I think they must be affected by global warming, because there's a large flat surface that looks like wet sand. We couldn't go down to the sea.
We still enjoyed sharing our lives throughout the trip. I love the scenery, and seeing so many crabs running around on the sand like Tuk-Tuk.
Today I made another discovery: there's a fruit in Indonesia called duku, it's round, yellow, and the meat is white and sweet. In Thailand, there's a similar variant, but the meat is sour! So amazing, God is so clever :)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Man of Vision
On the way to the uni, we shared about our vision, and guess what? God has brought us together miraculously. He didn't know my vision, and I didn't know any better. I thought that he was just another student leader. But I learnt that God has called him to use business to impact the world through a vision fund.
We spent the whole day in local and international mini church. The idea is to provide persecuted students a church on weekdays, at the same time giving non-believers a taste of sunday church. In between sessions, we shared deeper about the plans that God has laid in our hearts. The result is a refining of our vision, and a refreshing of our call. We talked about practically anything, and we couldn't stop talking. I think we talked like 2 aunties who has not met each other for 20 years, gossipping about everything, non-stop.
God brought me to Sampan, a drummer, a new believer. He is so cool, like my dear brother Billy Simpson in Melbourne. Very talented in music, even though he's young. He loves Sonic Flood, Planet Shakers, and Hillsong. He's got a good artistic nature, especially in story telling and song writing. I love the way he dress up, very relevant for reaching out to the youth.
I was pleasantly surprised to see sister Pern preaching on the international mini church. It was her first time preaching in english.
On the way back, I dropped by a Pad Thai stall outside my hostel, it was supposed to be the best Pad Thai because they won stir frying competition. I knew about them from Google Earth. How convenient :) The food was allright. Worth winning a competition.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Apostolic Businessman
In the past few weeks, God has refreshed this vision. I visited a language school at Sri Sa Ket, set up by a foundation to finance orphanages in Thailand. In the last few weeks, I've read a book about the efficiency of financing native missionaries. Today I visited a businessmen care group near my hotel. Some members own a business, some are managers, some have business background, but may be serving in church or at home full time. They told me about their regular activities. Now the pieces are starting to make sense.
By the way, I had some inside information that if your church wants to be effective in Vietnam, you can consider having a native english speaking pastor. They will love you.
Another central theme for today: The end of the world is very near. You don't only learn about this from movies, but also from the signs of the end times. Many pastors are confident of reaching every nation by 2050, and even 2015. I hope that you will catch the urgency of the hour.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Holiday in Disguise
I have taken every type of transportation available in Bangkok, and possibly in Thailand. Boat, land transport (Tuk-tuk, bus, underground train, sky train, ute, sedan), and domestic flight. There is a common attribute in all the transport systems: they seem to be very effective. Somewhat efficient. They are willing to trade the law to complete the job.
I've made a few friends at the HoStel. They are very interesting people, mostly angmoh. And I've been attracting more insect bites.
This trip to Thailand is very meaningful. There's a lot of things that I have to digest when I get back to Melbourne. God is faithful, He will provide everything that I need.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Back to Bangkok
Hope Ubon really left a big fingerprint in my heart. They are so loving, this mission trip feels like holiday for a king. I hope that they are blessed too. They gave me a sash that looks like Laos design and many uncountable blessings. I survived with lots of insect bite marks on my hands. I sat at the back of a ute a few times, and Ubon drivers are not the most law abiding. But it's well worth it. If I stay for another 2 weeks, I may end up staying forever. I already felt like at home. It was so easy to assimilate to the church.
Took a flight with Air Asia to Bangkok. I dunno why, the pilot doesn't know how to land properly. Felt nauseous. I've taken dozens of flights, this one ranks as one of the worst.
But the suffering ends there. I was greeted by 2 lovely angels who took me out for dinner and sent me to a hotel with capital S, a.k.a. hoStel. Yeah, no glamour in that. But it's better than my previous nights. I got cheaper rates because Hope Bangkok blessed me. I share the room with 7 others, but they have lockers, laundry, and unlimited internet. They have shared cold shower bathroom and toilet. The sign says Gents, but girls went in there too.
Tomorrrow's forecast: Grand Palace :)
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Relaxing At Ubon
We visited a local park for a light walk. It was beautiful, they had a statue of an important person posing like Raffles in Singapore, but he's got a sword, and he's surrounded with large decorated worms (serpents), horse and elephant statues. And he's got cute miniature animals as well. Unlike Raffles, he receives daily honour of flower rings.
It's so amazing! 2 hrs Full Body Thai Massage for 200Baht! Feels like heaven on earth! You only can get it at Ubon :) Just another blessing from Hope Ubon. To top it all, we had a luxurious welcome lunch after a good round of massage. It was so good, we couldn't ask for more ;)
In the afternoon we went to a nearby park. It was raining heavily, and we prayed for the rain to stop. It did stop just before we went there. But when we arrived, under shelter, it started pouring again. This time, we knew what to do. We shared to everybody who took shelter with us. It was such an enjoyable time, singing songs, sharing the gospel, giving out tracts, and fellowshipping with our Ubon family.
Dinner was unbelievable! I've never seen this before - steamboat and hotplate combination on charcoal! Instead of using gas, they have holes in the middle of the table to fit a bucket of coal. Then they put a curved hotplate on it. So we barbecue meat in the middle, and soup for vegetables around it. The food was quite normal, but I was amused by the concept. Had to order fried rice to survive.
At night, we went to night market opposite a large shopping centre. The guys watched soccer while the girls went shopping. That's a brilliant combination! We were tired, but we had a fruitful day. Praise God!
I'll be flying to Bangkok tomorrow after church service. FYI, Connect Journal on the book of Matthew is out now. Get it while stock lasts. The last round, the book on Proverbs, ran out very quickly. Many people couldn't get their hands on it.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Thai Borders
We visited a dam nearby. Ps Sumet from Hope Ubon claimed that he usually stayed there for 20% of RRP, cos the director is his good friend. It's really a luxury place!
In the evening, we visited Hope Sri Sa Ket, then we went to english schools run by our members: JS English Center and Thai American School. Thai American School is run by House of Mercy Foundation, who use the profits from the learning centre to fund orphanages in Thailand. I know why God brought me to this place, to see that it's so possible to use business to bless the nations directly, just as He had revealed to me.
The Thai hosts always cook up a banquet for us. Tonight is no exception, and I really enjoyed the dinner. Thai green curry. Local vege dish. Cakes and fried dough. Pineapples, rambutans and mangosteen.
I learnt that Ps Sumet is a genius. He contributes a lot of ideas to the government. He planted 14 churches out of 25 districts in Ubon in the last 16 years. The main church has 3 services, total about 200. He also has 14 churches out of 22 districts in Sri Sa Ket, 6 out of 17 in Surin, and 3 out of 7 in Amnad. Altogether 37 churches out of 71districts in 4 provinces of Northeast Thailand. Thailand has 76 provinces. He shared that once a church reaches 30 members, it would start to plant a daughter church. Isn't that awesome?
Eugene shared that Hope Singapore has just paid off their debt in 5.5 years! They started fundraising in 2001, in 3 stages, and God has provided. I believe that Hope Melbourne City Centre will be blessed too, because God has laid the seed of faith in us :)
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Warming up in Ubon
We attended a funeral. Great authentic Thai lunch, and I had the privilege to meet a believer who received Christ when she was 18, now she's 87. Talk about persevering in faith!
At night, we attended a local care group. Again, more home cooked meals. At first I thought it was stew pig, but later on I noticed that it was actually chicken porks. We had an interesting time of sharing and overcoming language barrier. Our team led a praise song, then Robert and I gave a testimony to encourage them.